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YVR JetSet Parking
Richmond, 2019
Building Construction
Parking Lot Relocations/Rebuilds
The Gateway Valet, Air Canada Commercial Vehicle Holding Area (CVHA) and Cell Phone Parking Lots, together with the long-term custom valet parking lot were relocated and/or reconfigured in preparation for the new Apron VI construction. Work included the construction of 5 new parking areas as well as a new building to house the new JetSet Valet operation. The structural steel valet building and high-tech camera system afford a more compact and efficient car parking to reduce the footprint of the parking. The valet system is a highly automated system (Park IT) which is being used for the first time in Canada. The system included inspection booth – 2-lanes and full vehicle camera system, check-in kiosk, key drop and key pick up lockers. The valet building design underwent a significant Value Engineering procedure during construction, reducing VAA’s cost by 15% while maintaining the schedule.